Module 8
Meeting 2
DISCUSS the “Person of Peace” essay using the prompts below:
1. What is a “person of peace?”
2. “Our job is not to convert people—that’s God’s job. Rather, our job is to be aware of those who are already sensitive to God’s stirring.” How does this truth free us in sharing our faith? What responsibilities does it place on us?
3. Think through the last year or so of your life. Who might be a person of peace that God has brought you to? What steps can you take to further discern this?
4. In the story of Philip and the Ethiopian, we noticed four characteristics that brought Philip to the Person of Peace. Which of these steps might be most difficult for you? Would you add any other steps, either from the text or from your own experience?
Philip was sensitive to God’s leading (v. 26, 29)
Philip responded to an invitation (v. 31)
Philip is ready with biblical answers (v. 35)
Philip pointed him to Jesus (v. 35)
5. Identify at least one person of peace in your life, and pray for them together to close this meeting. Pray for eyes to see God-given opportunities, for wisdom, for compassion, and for courage. Remember, we’re practicing hospitality by inviting people into God’s family. Who doesn’t like to be invited?! Who is waiting for you to ask?
ASSIGNMENT: Read the essay, “Making Room,” located below.