Meeting 1
DISCUSS the role of prayer in your lives up to this point. Then spend time discussing the Voice video
and working through the discussion questions below.
THE POINT OF THE VIDEO: Prayer isn’t just talking to God, it’s hearing from him too.
1. What is the difference between talking to God and talking with God?
2. Saying we heard something “from God” can sound a little crazy; and yet most of us would say we’ve heard from God at least once in our life, in one way or another. If this is the case for you, discuss a time you heard God speak. How did you respond?
3. How could our everyday lives change if we spent our days in a back and forth conversation with God?
4. If hearing from God sounds crazy, then it’s time to get crazy! Take a few moments to complete the following statements.
The kind of prayer life I want to have with God looks like...
I think this might be stopping me from getting there…
5. What are some things that are stopping us from having a more conversational relationship with God?
6. What is one change that you are going to make this week to help you hear from God?
7. Do you still have questions about prayer? Process them with your discipler.
8. Spend the next week experimenting in conversational prayer with God. We’ve included some simple steps to get you going. Look these over and remember: prayer is as much about hearing God as it’s about talking to him. If this is new to you, remember there’s no right or wrong way to start. Just start.
ASSIGNMENT: Spend a week doing the Introduction to Prayer Practices below. Make note of any challenges, breakthroughs, or insights you gain from the Lord by writing them in your journal or in a note taking app.