* The new Discipleship Pathway layout flipped Modules 2 & 5;
Module 5 is now Guidance and Module 2 is now Confession. If you were using the old version, skip back to module 2 to complete Confession and then continue on from Module 6!
Discipleship : Meeting 4
Life is hard. That is why we need spiritual friends in Christian community to guide us in what God may be up to. Take time to discuss the questions below.
What part of the essay, "Friendship is Discipleship" stuck with you the most?
How do you feel about friendship being considered a “spiritual discipline?” Do you agree or disagree? Why?
“You are who you’re with.” Have you ever noticed how you are the product of your friendships? These could be small things like common phrases you say, or major things like a career choice or habit. What parts of your life have been formed, shaped, or influenced by your friends?
“We become Christlike when we’re with Christlike friends.” How could you see that being true? What are some activities we can participate in to be influenced by our friends’ Christlikeness?
Have you ever felt lonely or left out when you attended a church? Talk about that experience.
Many people today embrace a “do it yourself” Christianity. They could pray by themselves, study the Bible by themselves, and watch an online church service by themselves, all without being connected to a local church or a smaller group of fellow Christians. Why do you think people try to do the Christian life alone?
How could a community of spiritual friends serve as a source of guidance for our lives to discern God’s voice and will? Can you think of an example?
Take a pulse check on your current community involvement at your local church. Do you feel like you have a solid community of spiritual friends? Or would you like to get involved at a deeper level and discover community?
Brainstorm with your disciple on what finding community at your local church could look like if this is something you’re seeking. Are there small groups you can join? A serving team you can participate in on a weekend? Could you reach out to your pastor or a staff member about some options?
Or if you’re already involved in a community of spiritual friends, what could you be doing to get the most out of it?
After discussing some ideas, land on a plan for how you would like to discover community .
ASSIGNMENT: In preparation for the Module 6, Generosity, read the “Reading Parables” resource below.