Discipleship : Meeting 4
DISCUSS the disciple’s responses to the What is Your Justice Calling? Resource. If the disciple is still unsure on how he or she is specifically called to address an injustice, work through the questions below:
Identify one giant of injustice that the disciple will engage with on a deeper level beginning this week.
• It can be easy to choose more than one, but for this practice, select just one to focus on. You may also find that in focusing on one, you impact them all.
• Brainstorm together. Do internet searches about the issue and your community. Do whatever research you need to find a clear next step in order to press in to that identified area of injustice in a tangible way. Find ways to partner with organizations and people who are already fighting this battle, and also find ways to tackle this giant in your everyday life where you already are.
• Remember it’s ok to start with something simple. Your action step doesn’t have to be difficult, but it should be a challenge.
As you complete this module, consider two things:
1. When it comes to facing injustice, we can be motivated by guilt, or by compassion. What is the difference?
2. READ Isaiah 61 together.
Remember: Jesus doesn’t ask us to take on the burdens of the vulnerable or to execute justice on wrongdoers by ourselves. We can join Jesus in bringing justice without fear. Don’t lose heart or become overwhelmed. Bearing the weight of the world and bringing justice to the oppressed is Jesus’ job. The burden is not on us, but on him.
God is all-powerful, and he chooses to exercise that power on behalf of the powerless. No matter where you are, or what your unique situation is, you are empowered by God with gifts, abilities, and resources that can be leveraged for the sake of the vulnerable.
Close your time by praying for light, power, creativity, and compassion to fuel you as you go.
ASSIGNMENT: Make a clear step of engagement that pulls you further in to the area of injustice you determined with your discipler. Remember to update your discipler about this at your next meeting as you begin the Making Disciples module, if you have not completed it already.